The Crisis Communication Strategies Imposed by Professional Firms

There comes a time for most organizations where they will face a crisis that threatens to greatly damage their reputation or financial standing. Because of this, having crisis communication strategies in place is essential for organizations to adapt to unexpected, unpleasant situations. Many firms in the realms of PR, marketing, and branding also offer communications strategies to help support businesses in times of crisis. Today, nearly 50% of organizational leadership are engaging in trying to better understand the remedies or strategies essential for supporting crisis preparations.

In this blog, you will learn about some of the crisis communication strategies utilized by professional firms for the protection of organizations during crisis scenarios.

PlanningTake to heart the guidance of the experts whose services you employ to create a strong crisis communications plan. This planning will help you devise preventative measures and remain ready for a crisis, no matter when it strikes. The COVID-19 pandemic is just an example of such a crisis, but crises take many different shapes and forms. Therefore, the company always needs to be ready with preventive remedies for various scenarios to prevent damage to the brand.

Professionals offering brand management services in Pittsburgh and beyond will assist you in drafting a crisis communication plan based on your business needs as well as the type of crisis.

Some examples of possible business crises includes:

  • Tone-deaf advertising
  • National tragedy 
  • Global public health issues 
  • Security breaches
  • Product malfunction

Customers Should Stay a Top Priority

The public perception of a company is truly vulnerable during a time of crisis, and even a small misstep could do significant damage to a company’s reputation, especially among clients and customers. Some may even go so far as to publicly post negative comments about your company's services and product offerings through social media or other channels. You need to take these things in stride, urging your team to offer supportive assistance to remedy the complaints, rather than trying to defend your company name in a public forum. Some of the common causes of a negative turn of opinion during a time of crisis include late delivery, late replacement, or issues involving refunds.

The crisis management experts at the firm you enlist will also recommend you keep customers in the loop about any interrupted operations, as customers need to know when they can expect your products or services to be available again. Some appropriate responses that companies could give to their customers include:

  • Offering discounts on the customer’s next service or product purchase apology to the customers. 
  • Initiating a refund 
  • Modifying or eliminating the company’s policy causing the issue

With professional guidance, you can learn to quickly recognize which response is most appropriate for specific problems. Most of the customers start to develop a good impression of a company when the company communicates with them after they express concerns or complaints. Any of the Pittsburgh PR Firm will help you with adequate crisis communication plans.

Premo Consultants is consistently called one of the best PR and marketing firms in Pittsburgh. Their team of experts provide premium, tailored services for clients in all industries, including marketing, branding, public relations, crisis communications, and web design. Contact them today at to receive a free consultation and find out what they can do for you and your company to prepare for a future crisis.


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